
Photo of the day

Today's Internet discovery - photo with not one, but two Rock goddesses standing in the same room.
Marianne Faithfull is signing a book (about her!) for Debby Harry. I always find it mind-boggling that two very famous and celebrated people actually know and love each other. It reminds me of story about Ella Fitgerald asking Billie Holiday for autograph. When I was a child growing up, I had LP albums by both of them and they were a strong influence on my formative years, though at that time it was only trough music because I knew nothing about their lives. Which is probably the best way, anyway. Nowadays media can colour our impressions and opinions with sometimes completely false fabrications, but I only had vinyl records and music to guide me (and I probably didn't understand half of the lyrics anyway). They are both wonderful survivors and I am truly happy to see them still alive & well.

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