
Goodbye Mrvica

Just found out that my little cat friend is not to return from his roaming around the village anymore - he was missing for some time, but his owner (my first neighbour) was not concerned as it was natural for cats to disappear occasionally, just to return all hungry and exhausted from adventures. Animals here in countryside are seen more as help around the house than as pets and it was me and my city ways that made me always a sucker with a soft spot, who is bringing animal delicacies from shop (even lagging them from town to my cottage) playing with them and enjoying them for company. I guess for locals is natural way of dealing with life, some animals they kill for food, others are to be kept around the house to either protect it or keeping the mouses away.

"Mrvica" (The tiny one) was around for almost two years now - he lived next door but was always welcome guest here and being the only cat around, he grew unto quite bossy and territorial boy who absolutely controlled his area, announced his entrance with loud meowing and demanded food right now this very moment. He had his own personality and would not play or cuddle unless he was in the mood. We got along just fine, since I was his human friend though he could be annoying sometimes, specially as dog arrived on the scene and attention had to be divided. Knowing he won't be back anymore, I really regret every single time I pushed him away and argued with him now, because he was wonderful company and I enjoyed having him around, specially as he would curl next to me as I read and purred with pleasure when I caressed him. The main oddity with this cat was how he learnt to enter the house whenever it pleased him trough half-open windows and climbed somehow inside, just to curl on my bed, where he occasionally slept during cold evenings (it never bothered me). As always, it seems that his death (from a car wheel, somewhere down on the village road) is upsetting me more than anybody else and I still expect to see him curled comfortably in my bed, every time I open the door. I am sitting now in the warm kitchen and thinking about all those times he used to purr here and sleep so comfortably - I miss him. Everything in this life is so darn brief and transitory. If Heaven is made up from our dreams and memories, he will wait for me on the other side. 

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