
Pro Arte (1973)

Only a few years ago Pro Arte started with some serious prog-rock material but by release of this album leader Đorđe Novković had other plans and turned band towards expected corny mainstream waters. Expected also because vocalist Vladimir Savčić Čobi actually belonged there anyway - he possessed strong,booming voice and was perhaps good in his way (instantly recognizable) but to me he stands on band's way.

The very first song is almost painful because it's tailored for mainstream radio. Because this first impression is so awful,I never gave album true chance since by now I became dead set against both composer and singer,so no matter how well guys are playing in the background,I could not forgive that such excellent musicians were wasted on anonymous pop material. "Kraj vatre kamina" is simply calculated for radio play,I simply can't ignore this. There are even more offensive songs ("Moj pradjed je puco iz topa") so by this time I had enough of this. Bubble gum and not even so entertaining one. Actually I don't mind bubble gum,but I do mind this one.

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