
Books: "Soul's Code" by James Hillman

"Soul's code" (1997)
by James Hillman
This is the book that I love giving away to my friends because I believe everybody should read it (I gave so many and still dont have my own copy).Contary to Western culture that believe we are product of genes/family or Eastern culture that says we are pre-destined by Karma,Hillman somehow combines them into one and thinks we are born with certain purpose and will achieve what we are meant to do in life one way or another - every individual holds a potential inside himself just like acorn holds a pattern for a Oak,invisible in itself - but the most important thing is to listen your inner voice (in other times people used to call it "Guardian Angel",Hillman simply calls it "inner voice").Reading this book I was thrilled because for the first time I found in one place everything I always knew but didnt know how to put in words.
For example,Hillman talks about clever kids who never fitt in schools because they dont blossom in big groups.Or about why is it that parents/family never recognise potential in a kid because they are too occupied with everyday life (its usualy some distant relatives or kind neighbours or teacher who see who we really are).He also talks about importance of getting aways from family and spreading the wings somewhere else...too many things to mention here but I can only reccomend this book with all my heart to everyone and its definitely one of the books that changed my life.

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