
Josipa Lisac in 1970s

I have loved and idolised Croatian singer Josipa Lisac forever, in fact she was probably my very first teenage crush from the moment I actually started paying attention to music. Not only that I bought everything she had ever recorded but I also distinctly remember collecting newspaper articles, pictures and her interviews (which I religiously worshipped and was fascinated with, because in my 12 years old world she was ultra cool) and although I never went so far to actually follow her eccentric fashion sense, her music and personality spoke to me to such extent that it could be said that my later music tastes were at least influenced by her, because I followed what she would say in the interviews and later discovered people like Joni Mitchell and Al Jarreau thanks to her. I don't have my collection of newspaper clippings anymore but Internet is full of them anyway (apparently I was not the only one under her spell) so last night I have discovered few pictures previously unknown even to me, which is quite a big deal as I was familiar with everything published in the past 36 years - these pictures actually precede this. On the first picture is my über diva in early 1970s (1972 or 1973 would be my guess, because of the dress) and I am absolutely thrilled because I have never seen her like this or with this hairstyle (usually her hair was straightened). Next two pictures were from the time she performed in rock opera Gubec beg (1976) and her role was of a young village girl Jana, we are all familiar with now-classic music and original recording but actual pictures from that period are very rare so this was again exciting to actually see history in making. I treasure these photos like I am 12 again :)

1 comment:

Old School Croats said...

I knew that was a Stevan picture. He used the exact same background for an iconic photo of Tereza Kesovija :)

Yes, I am a Croatian photography nerd, lol. <3