
"Budi uvijek blizu" by Novi Fosili (1981)

Re-visiting the old childhood favourite is funny business, because its impossible to hear it again without connecting it to a particular time, atmosphere, smells and places - inevitably, we might rate it higher than it might realistically deserve, simply for the effect it has on us. Was it actually great or we love it for what it means to us? This album is a good example - in its day it was hugely popular and it practically never left my crappy record player but listening it today, with my heart recognising every single note, I simply can't be objective. Have not heard it in decades and here am I, almost 40 years later, memories just pouring down of the life left behind and people who are not here anymore. 

Budi uvijek blizu" might be a pinnacle of band Novi Fosili as far as I am concerned. Initially, the first incarnation soldiered more or less hit-less trough 1970s until re-shuffling and addition of new members kicked in and they became unstoppable, kind of Croatian "Abba" with a huge family appeal. Guys were all decent singers but it was female singer Đurđica Barlović who gave them that special ingredient, recognisable tone that worked so well with the rest of the group - listening it today, I am much more aware of clever harmonies and how each of them shared the spotlight for a while, until they all sang together. This line-up was riding their biggest wave of success when "Budi uvijek blizu" was released and indeed, although they will continue forever, never again they will have so many classic pop hits at once - composer/vocalist Rajko Dujmić must have been in some state of white-hot inspiration because here we have "Plava Košulja", "Tonka", "Ključ Je Ispod Otirača"  and naturally, huge radio hit "Saša" all fresh on one album. Sure, its all a clean, good natured, mainstream pop designed to appeal to the whole family and as such, it was darn brilliant - not a wrong note here, even fillers were great and we also got a sequel to a song from previous album (characters from "Li-La-Lo" continue their story in "Joj, Joj"). Today its almost impossible to comprehend this was actually not a compilation but a fresh, new release - it is a perfect pop album of its time and place. 

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