
Tina Turner in 1974.

A a beautiful snapshot of younger Tina Turner (in her mid 30-es) by Andy Warhol, of all people.
This is actually Tina I remember from my childhood, the way she was on album covers back than, attractive black woman with undeniable sensuality that today we call "sexy" though back than, as a child I wouldn't know it and probably found it intimidating.

Like the rest of the world I finally caught up with Turner in 1980s when she was recognized for her unique talent and powerful charisma - it was very lucky for her, because it could have turned out completely different. After all, she was just one of the many artists who worked trough 1960s and 1970s, if it wasn't for inspired management she would definitely fall into "oldies" category performing for nostalgic elderly audiences who might remember old hits (like for example, many of Motown once big hit makers).Thanks to Roger Davies, Turner broke into hit charts big time with excitement and vigour, clearly enjoying her solo success. I can't help but notice that she had unfortunately changed her physical appearance later and "modified" her face, using all sorts of surgeries wealth could provide, not necessary for better.

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