
BBC's "Planets"

Just watched BBC documentary "Planets" with greatest interest and moment ago finished the last episode, still dizzy from excitement and ideas.

The world of science is amazing and ever inspiring - we made some really fast progress in the last few hundreds years; each step, each new idea fighting to be accepted because human nature is prone to suspect, doubt and reject anything that is clashing with old ways. Most of these scientists, old and wrinkled as they might be today, still have wonderfully alive spark in their eyes as they talk about their discoveries and why this is so important for humanity. Russians, Americans, French, Indian.. they are dreamers who dared to follow their dreams even when experiments were disastrous and sending probes into space often meant exactly that. There was a funny story told by a elderly Russian scientist who was building machine that would examine signs of life on Mars - just before machine was being send, they decided to experiment on Earth first and it didn't show any signs of life here either! So its all about hit and miss.

With all this fascinating informations we have today about our solar system, its history and probable future, detailed pictures of Moons around Jupiter and Saturn, our own little pale dot so tiny in universe and even new science that tries to find other stars and solar systems outside ours, its really amazing that people here on Earth still follow such nonsense as religion. I really can't believe that with all this scientistic evidence of life creation, universe and planets, there are billions of uninformed humans who simply refuse to open their eyes and educate themselves - even trough well made TV documentaries if they can't be bothered to read - I really, really don't see the point of church, priests, confessions and all that circus at this point when we are gazing at the distant stars and discovering things so far away. We are intelligent beings, formed from a star dust brought here on all kinds of comets from far away trough billions of years ago. And just as our world is dazzlingly varied, the world out there must be even more varied - perhaps not necessarily friendly, who knows - we might end up simply as a food for someone out there, I wouldn't be surprised. Just looking back at our own past, when cultures meet often there would be all sorts of epidemics sweeping the unknown territories.
I truly enjoyed watching "Planets".

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