
Bing Crosby 10 CD Box set

In his days, Bing Crosby was a God - that is why its only natural that decades later his life work is sold re-packaged in bargain boxed sets, decades of million-seling hit singles and once ground-breaking recordings now reduced to "sales" bins where even 10 CD set costs less than new album by current pop star. There's no doubt that similar destiny waits for Sinatra, Beatles or Presley once they will be perceived as ancient museum pieces. Nothing wrong with Crosby's music of course - what is so generously offered here is career highlight by pop music giant, tons of albums and once unforgettable singles, all in one convenient place boxed nicely (no booklet or liner notes, but there are info on each CD) it just bothers me to see BING CROSBY sold like this. Oh well.

I was in a CD shop (yes,I still buy CDs occasionally) looking for something else when I spotted this CD box and couldn't believe my eyes. Any current little teenage "star" has album at full price and 10 CD box of Bing Crosby (with hours of truly magnificent music) costs next to nothing. How embarrassing. Does anybody really cares for this music? Well I do - so I purchased it, fully understanding that 10 CDs will be a daunting task and I will probably listen them rarely, in small doses since I grew up with vinyl and 30-45 minutes of music is enough for me (CD format kills me with never ending song program).

What do we have here:
1) Early Bing Vo.1 (1925-29)
2) Early Bing Vol.2 (1929-32)
3) Early Bing Vol.3 (1932-34)
4) The King of Jazz (1930-34)
5) The Dance Band Days (1930-31)
6) Bing Sings A Song of Island (1936-1950)
7) A Musical Autobiography Vol.1(1954)
8) A Musical Autobiography Vol.2 (1954)
9) Bing And The Dixieland Bands (1951-54)
10) Bing Crosby And The Andrews Sisters (1939-52)

Once you gave them listen, truly delightful pre-WW2 pop explodes from your speakers, there are lots of collaborations of other artists and of course that wonderfully nonchalant and relaxed baritone that generations of listeners loved and idolized. But no matter how big we think we are, we all end up boxed and insignificant at the end. At the bargain price.

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