
"50 godina sa Vama: 50 Years With You" by Predrag Gojković - Cune

Predrag Gojković (affectionately known as "Cune") is a giant among keepers of the tradition of traditional folk music flame in Ex Yu territories.

Gifted with almost impossibly beautiful voice, Gojković flirted with pop music in the early 1960s (he had recorded several interesting pop singles with covers of than-current brazilian and mexican songs) before finding national success in 1963. with best selling 4-song EP recording with traditional folk melodies ("Kafu Mi Draga Ispeci") that made him mega-succesful and from than on he was undisputed king of traditional folk music. As this 3 CD box presents, Gojković had uncanny, almost hypnotic way with slow, dirge-like folk laments from (mostly) ancient serbian and bosnian repertoire where his gentle, sensitive croon waved magic clouds around listener - backed by sophisticated, almost classical orchestrations or simple folk bands he was always impeccable interpreter with deep respect for this material and I could hardly think about anybody in his league. With celebrated bosnian singers like Safet Isović or Himzo Polovina it was about vocal virtuosity but with Gojković its always about heart and soul.

With my urban, croatian background it took me some time before I turned attention to this kind of ancient folk material (it was much beloved by older generations) but once my curiosity took over, I was deeply moved with Gojković's seductive croon - its a relatively unknown world to many younger listeners who know folk music only trough later commercial artists but that music was bastardized to almost unrecognizable point since Gojković had started and no wonder he was act impossible to match. I dare anybody to listen songs like poetic "Sagradiću Šajku" or his duet with gypsy queen Esma Redžepova ("Kaži, kaži Libe Stano") with dry eyes. It is truly sophisticated art that deserves to be heard and appreciated. This 3 CD compilation covers a lot of material trough different decades (it completely ignores his pop beginnings) and needs to be taken in small doses because it might reduce listener to a weeping mop but its truly magnificent tribute to a brilliant artist.

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