
"Zeitgeist" by Peter Joseph

I love "Zeitgeist" and it sequels though I messed up my watching order and saw last one before second, but never mind.

The big, fat mother of conspiracy theories this movie is divided in three parts:
1."The Greatest Story Ever Told" - about religion
2."All the World's a Stage" - 9/11
3."Don't Mind the Men Behind the Curtain" - international bankers

Since I saw this documentary several times, its interesting how my focus actually moved from the first two parts to the last one, because now I found it perhaps the strongest. Yes, religion part is obvious and astrology seems as a explanation for Sun worshipping that turned out of control. Second part is forcing viewer to face something we would rather close our eyes to, namely the possibility that 9/11 was inside job - we can reject this theory and pretend it cannot be possible, but the gnawing questioning stays on. However, the third part was really eye-opening since it points at economic gain gained from bad quality products (that need to be constantly replaced), the fact that countries have to stay perpetually in debt (there is no country on the planet right now that is not in debt) and the obvious illusion of world peace, because wars are excellent business opportunities. I find it really interesting that some of the audience reject this, because it seems to me as a conscious refusal to use their brains. Are we really so conditioned that we don't notice how the are turning into money-worshipping cattle , completely lost into consumerism? We have replaced Golden Calf with Mammon and its obvious.

Sequel to "Zeitgeist" is completely focused on money and how it controls and destroys the world. It points at how our values are completely twisted and turned around so materialistic consuming is perceived as highest possible achievement, which has nothing to do with actual human needs. Banks know how to use this for their own gain and how to make people perpetually enslaved into debts. Part two ("Confessions of an Economic Hitman") is about how governments can be overturned because financial gain, with some really interesting examples I was not even aware of. The idea of "The Venus Project" sounds quite interesting and although it looks very much SF right now, so were many other things that people rejected at first. Mind boggling. This deserves to be seen several times.

21 million of viewers - and this is actually perhaps the most interesting movie in a trilogy because it not just points at conspiracy but explains possible alternatives and options.
1.Human Nature
2.Social Pathology
3.Project Earth

As with the first two parts, I found it absolutely fascinating though some ideas are repeated and "The Venus Project" explained in bigger detail. Perhaps I am not quite convinced with suggestion that people would enjoy life more if machines take all the work because I am quite cynical about human nature and guessing that everybody would just turn into fat blobs. People need the reasons to get out, wake up early and do something useful so if they need some kind of motivation, perhaps salary and material goods are after all necessary. However, I love director's spirit, enthusiasm and yes, even his unexpected humor that made me laugh out loud.

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