
Quasarr Feat.Josipa Lisac

My all-time favorite female singer is 63 now and surprisingly still very much active, just saw her newest video clip.

I had written about Josipa Lisac many times on this pages. She was a big and influential part of my formative years when as a young person I searched for idols and people to look up as inspiration. As I grew up and changed, most of these idols felt sideways but I always kept a soft spot in my heart for Josipa who has never changed - she always was and continued to be a fascinating, eccentric and likable artist who is at the same time biggest prima donna and earthiest person around. Not only there is a huge body of work behind her (that covers more than four decades on music scene) but she is consistently entertaining in her interviews: mannered one moment, than completely down to earth and straightforward the next, she is absolutely fascinating subject of any TV or radio program. I think that even my own Croatians slowly came to understand that now elderly Lisac is a very original,national treasure who deserves love and respect, and should not be mixed up with the rest of pop music stampede - for better or worse, she is in a league of her own.

Since the death of her beloved husband/composer Karlo Metikoš, it was very hard to get new material from Lisac. Mainly she had focused in keeping his memory alive trough series of concert tributes to him and somewhat reluctantly accepted occasional duets and cameo appearances with new hit makers. Besides live recordings she created only two studio albums and those were extremely short (eight song each), frankly pale collections where her charisma far overshadowed the material. In all honestly, I think that nothing here matches the spark and inspiration of Metikoš- penned songs and she must have been aware of it. So on she goes with spectacular concerts, theatrical outfits, witch-like hairstyles and   occasional guest performances where she gives her regal approval to some new pop band, in this case a bunch of gothic rockers from band "Quassar". It all keeps her still working and media worships her footsteps while the rest of her contemporaries are long retired, however I am not completely convinced with this new collaborations. The song is not specially interesting (sounds too much like already old-hat "Depeche Mode") and the final result (including video clip) feels too much like necessity for both sides - guys need a star cameo to get media visibility and lady herself needs some fresh input in her career. It is of course very complimentary that she does not collaborate with commercial artists and associate herself with left-field young rockers but in all honestly I don't see any particular reason why should she be involved in this - her part is mostly background vocalizing anyway and this sounds very much like a parody of her younger self.

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