
"Killing me softly" by Roberta Flack

Calm,soothing and elegant collection of songs that starts with Flack's magical interpretation of Lori Lieberman's "Killing me softly" (and do check the original - it's almost as powerful,in a different way) and from there it just floats in smoke circles.

Flack weaves magic around mostly ballad set,her mellow voice lulling listener into daydreaming - where others would scream and shout,she is 100% soul singer by the virtue of staying composed. The choice of songs is also very interesting because it hints at artists personality - instead of relying on hit-makers or trendy rock & soul covers, she reaches far into classy cabaret songbook (haunting "I am the girl" recorded decades ago by Sylvia Symms) or goes for mock-jazzy, quasi-1930s number "When you smile" that wouldn not be out of place in the movies like "Bonnie & Clyde" or "The Sting".

On the other hand,in the hands of Roberta Flack,Cohen's "Susanne" turns into hypnotizing,almost new-age dance - this is what covers should be,completely re-intventing originals and bringing a personal touch to them

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