
Thousands posts of "Voyager's World"

Lo and behold, I just noticed that this blog had already passed its considerable mark, so without really paying attention or thinking about it, "Voyager's world" now officially have more than thousand posts. I started writing here in 2008 and the shaky beginning (it seems that the second year was the most challenging as I couldn't make up my mind is this something really worth creating) eventually became a comforting routine and a pleasant experience.

In all honesty, it's absolutely not about having an audience of anonymous readers, followers and groupies - what it is comes down to the lifelong passion for reading that at certain point extended to impulse for writing, so yours truly have a decades worth of diaries scattered around and left like snake skins, chapters of the years and experiences gone by. Who knows where all these diaries actually are but it might be interesting to glance at them and see my younger self thinking, feeling and finding his way trough the world. So yes, I still occasionally write a diary when inclined, but just like this blog, it is a process of relaxed, purring pleasure when you take a time for yourself - quality time - to stop and reflect on life around you, what makes you happy or moves you. What inspires you. 

At the very beginning, I wasn't so sure about writing something that is basically my own, personal experience and putting it out for the whole world to see. Perhaps that is why the earliest posts were rare and extremely cautious, since the idea seemed so self-centred and narcissistic. I definitely didn't want my own soap box, the pedestal where one stands and rants at the state of the world. Look at me! This is what I think about current situation! Me, me and only me and nobody else except me!  What did appeal to me was the possibility to have things neatly arranged in my own virtual universe, boxes ticked with their subjects, quintessential Virgo always putting everything in order. As trivial as my interests might be - all these books, moves and music obviously mean a lot to me and they are my hobby, my pleasure, my inspiration. At certain point in life, a person simply accept this is my life, this is who I am and even if you put me on a one-way spaceship bound for far away corner of the seventh galaxy, in my spare time I will probably find the time for my hobbies. Classic black and white movies, obscure & forgotten singers, new books, new voices. 

First it was very simple - I would list the movies, the books, the music, all my new discoveries, things that I liked, some that I disliked. Sometimes I would even go back and correct it, since the initial impression might change with time. Indeed, often I might think that my opinion was too harsh, let's smooth it out just a little bit. Than with time, I start adding different subjects - why not? - how about occasional poem or an essay about the painting that I love. Of course, since my profession takes me around the world, there must be a space for occasional travelogue but although the name of this blog is Voyager's world my main focus are not daily travels - and I have already travelled the world so much that I have seen more places by accident than some people saw by intention - it comes with profession - but journeys of the spirit. Where exactly the inspiration leads me, be it old Hollywood 1930s movie, the newest literary discovery, the music or whatever. What's cooking inside as opposite to what's going on outside

If only I paid attention to the fact that post nr.1000 is coming, I would have planned something wise or poetic, philosophical or showy just to mark that special occasion - you know, to make it somewhat grand, after all it is a perseverance to continue something like writing essays for the nine years, just for the sheer joy of it, without thinking about audience or gain. I couldn't care less about the audience or followers, since this is purely my own musing (and it often satisfies me in a completely childish way, if the essay turned good) and since there are no deadlines and pressures, I only write it when everything is relaxed and smooth. Writing diary - or blog as here - is purely personal little ritual of putting the thoughts in order and reflecting on life, the way I see it. As it happened, the post nr.1000 was not anything grand or spectacular, there were no trumpets or fireworks, because it wasn't important at the moment - in fact, post nr.1000 was about old music festivals in Krapina which is just the way it should be, after all life happens the way it happens and yes, part of pleasure of writing music essays for me is in digging trough archives and unearthing completely obscure, off-the-wall records so yes, Krapina perfectly summarises my perspective. After all, I don't know a simple person who actually listened and analysed records from Krapina festivals, except me - and I did pretty good job of it. 

So, here's to another thousand posts! 
To more black and white movies, more interesting books, more music archaeology, let's keep the brain sharp and keep those coffees coming. Writing this blog became such a beloved ritual that I can't wait for vacation, when the number of the posts usually rises like a tide, since it is than when I am in relaxed mood and have no obligations under the sun. Naturally, its not about the numbers, I am neither counting or racing with the number of the posts, just like with a books that I read trough the year, it's all about experiences and the quality of it. But I do like the idea that maybe there is a technical tweak where I can make this blog completely personal (read: open only for me), I just need to find it out. 

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