
Farewell, Big Joan

I just found out that mother of Joan Baez (famous "Big Joan") passed away days after her 100th birthday.
The birthday was celebrated in style, with hundred of brightly colored balloons and people singing to her so the grand old lady must have been happy.

Joan Bridge Baez was born in Scotland but it was in California where she eventually got married, lived new life and had three daughters of whom two would became successful singers.
Married to a physicist who worked for UNESCO (he famously refused lucrative offers to work on atomic bomb), "Big Joan" had moved her little family often because of the work - they lived not only in U.S. but also abroad, in France, Switzerland,Italy and the Middle East. Daughter Joan eventually became one of the biggest music stars of 1960s and beyond, while younger Mimi also followed her steps. Influence of pacifistic parents on girl's lives cannot be underestimated - whatever feelings and involvements they had about politics later in life, it all came from early education and home examples. Big Joan watched from the backstage as young Joan successfully performed, marched, protested and passionately believed in her life purpose. Often it worked against commercial success (more in puritanical America than the rest of the world) but its a dignified, purposeful life that puts many other celebrities to shame.

Farewell, Big Joan, rest in peace.

For the end, this is what she wrote before her death and it nicely shows what kind of person Big Joan was:


Friends who want to celebrate my new adventure, please gather round. Don't grieve, for it's only a worn out body that's leaving and the memory of any sad times goes with it. The good memories are in my spirit and my spirit is with you today. I'm in your midst, for there's nothing more valuable to me than to be with you, my beloved family and my gracious friends.

Take a moment for silence and wish me well. I'll hear you. Then make
the bottles pop. You know I love champagne almost as much
as I love you!

Big Joan

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