
Remi van Duinwijck

Because of Johnny and Jones,I also visited Jewish Museum which turned out surprisingly interesting thought of course a bit depressing since these poor people were constantly chased away,robbed of their properties and eliminated left and right trough the centuries. A large number of religious objects was on the display (it was very impressive but absolutely unrecognizable to me) and it was only as I entered exhibition about 20.century that I got some sense of reality and people - for example I didn't know that my favorite,beautiful art deco cinema Tuschinski was built by jewish owner in 1920s. But I was moved to tears with photographs of jewish children posing for the portraits with their adoptive parents who saved them from a certain death.

Another museum that left even bigger impression was "Resistance Museum" that tells a story about WW2 in Amsterdam - maybe because its little bit out of hand,I have never visited this place but in fact it was so interesting that I went there two days in a row,dragging a friend along. I always loved the ancient black & white photographs of old houses and strange looking people in them,so this was just perfect for me - moment in time when war spread through Europe and stories how everybody reacted differently, some people helping the resistance,others minding their own business,third siding with german soldiers... Relatively small building was divided into labyrinth of tunnels and corridors so the space was used with great effect and I absolutely enjoyed it. Again, I got all upset and emotional when I encountered stories about jewish children in Amsterdam - there was one particular cutest little boy who was found on the streets (much later it was discovered his parents were arrested and probably separated in the raid) and he was placed in a orphanage where his beauty touched absolutely everybody around (even german soldiers brought him toys),he was called Remi van Duinwijck - Remi for a character in a children's book (all alone in the world) and Duinwijck standing for the place he was found. Around 600 kids were somehow smuggled out of that orphanage but big majority were eliminated and deported into concentration camps during the war,our little Remi being one of them.It turned he was such a celebrity that it was impossible to hide him,since everybody knew about little Remi all alone in the world. I cannot understand why would such a small baby bother anybody and what political or whatever importance he could have been, he was only one year old. His photo touched me so much that I wrote down his name and found him later on the net,I am absolutely 100% sure have I been around I would probably risk my life and bundle him somehow in my coat and run away with him to safety. There's no questions about it, I feel very strongly about this and still find the whole story very disturbing - normally I am absolutely uninterested in politics but story about little Remi really moved me and thought he was just a small footnote in the whole museum,it left the biggest impression on me.


Anonymous said...

I understadn zo much what youre writing about little Remi, or Koen like his real name was. I saw a movie with his brother about this little boy. I cried my eyes out seeing his picture. We can only hope dat someone hold him during the horrible train journey to Sobibor, and that someone held him at the end of his live. Im sure he is in heaven

mcihal cohen, the Netherlands

Martina said...

So far, I have visited Auschwitz twice. It is clear how I felt walking around, like you're surrounded by ghosts. I was mentally prepared, I worked on it for days because I know how I can react. But nothing could have prepared me for the huge exhibition space surrounded by a thick glass in which were hundred of shoes that were stripped from the people before going to the gas chamber. Shocking! But I stood and looked petrified. And then I saw the little baby shoe, quite small, the child could not be older than two years. It was not the only one, I realized later. I'm sure you would take any child and hid it under a coat if necessary. And I sincerely hope that hell exists because of those who are able to harm children.