Very interesting biography of famous "black queen" who was remembered chiefly as a mean and manipulative influence from the backstage on her family of rulers (three of her sons were kings).
Leonie Frieda did some excellent research all over the France and came up with slightly different modern view on this fascinating subject - as expected,she places Catherine de Medici right into proper historical surrounding and by explaining situation around her makes her motives and deeds somehow understandable. True,Medici herself was heavily criticized even during her lifetime and later suffered the fate of every ruler who was replaced by another regime (bad propaganda) but what Frieda did here is to at least try to understand what actually happened and what options Medici had as a widow and mother who fiercely fought to protect her sons rights.
Lot of first class stories and anecdotes,this could easily be used as a base for some movie or a documentary,it is really very gripping and highly enjoyable story.