Now being on vacation,I finally have time to go through the books and music I collected on my journeys. There is also time to check some movies that I noted down as being potentially interesting,although I actually forgot why I wrote down those particular names. The very first title on my list was "The Best Years of Our Lives" and I had no idea what it's all about (Alfie) ,approached it with simple curiosity knowing only that i might like it because its black & white.
It turned magnificent,one of those absolutely unforgettable movies,with excellent acting and simply everything about this movie was perfect.
The story follows three soldiers coming home after a long absence on the front and how they adjust to civilian life again. One turns alcoholic,another who was a hero in the war has to return to humiliating,low-paid job. Third lost both of his hands in the war and his family looks at him with unease now - we even see his girlfriend giving him a hug while he stands there helpless with his artificial claws. Somehow these three life stories get connected as we follow what happens to each of them.
I bawled and laughed without any restraint trough almost three hours of this movie. It was very good that i didn't know anything about the movie before so I was really watching it with open eyes & heart,somehow everything about the story touched me deeply (maybe because I was soldier, maybe because I am also forever away and returning to civilian life after long absences) - I could deeply feel for these guys,starting at the very beginning when Dana Andrews lugs heavy luggage trough airports to his uneasy return home where love is not what it used to be. I loved the movie so much that i am absolutely sure I will watch it again and was not surprised to read later that it was one of the best loved movies ever,right after "Gone with the Wind". Handless Harold Russell won not one,but TWO "Oscars" for this movie (the only time ever that actor gets two awards for the same role),another actor awarded was excellent Frederic March who really hams it up in his drunken scenes. Unfortunately Dana Andrews didn't get anything but maybe because his role (good,all-american guy next door) was somewhat lesser interesting that the other two. He was simply a good guy adjusting while other two had more meat in their roles.
I read later about the movie and curiously enough it is credited as masterpiece of producer Samuel Goldwyn,though its directed by excellent William Wyler who also directed several famous classics like "Ben Hur", "The Letter", "Funny Girl" and "Roman holiday" - hardly a newcomer who can be ignored! And as unexpected bonus in the movie we have composer of "Stardust",famous Hoagy Carmichael playing piano!