
"Before Midnight" (2013) by Richard Linklater

Third part of beloved trilogy comes of as a cruel hangover after dizzying heights of romantic love - passion and flame are still here but they are buried under layers of daily wear and tear, obligations, children, responsibilities. Its not that main characters changed so drastically visually - which was expected - as much as they metamorphosed into older versions of their once so young and adorable selves. Somewhere deep under these dialogues and gestures I can still recognise people from "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset" who at this point know each other so well that they don't even try to lie or pretend anymore, now they know where to hurt and how to make each other laugh.

Did I enjoy it? Not nearly as first two movies.
For the first time, script felt laboured and even though I laughed occasionally (Sylvia Plath moment) seeing how once sweet love can turn sour made me wonder about the point of the third part. In fact, right after watching the movie I felt seriously depressed because it kind of destroyed my dreamy cocoon notion of a feel-good story that worked like a magic earlier. Yes, dialogues are witty, actors are charming and deep down I understand this is probably very life-like for many couples but at times I felt like watching "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?" and I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat, it was like watching your parents argue. It is not a complete disaster because relationship obviously continues in spite of mutual irritation, there is lot of delicate touches in almost every scene and maybe I simply have to accept the idea that this is how it usually goes with people who share good and bad together. With all my heart trying to understand and like the movie, it left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.

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