
"The Element" by Ken Robinson

Very interesting and inspirational book about finding one's real path to happiness - Robinson understands we are all born different and have different talents, therefore he points that our educational system with boxing everybody in the same standardized boxes does not really work as children often have completely unique and various interests and intelligence can't be measured. Trough stories about people who actually achieved something despite surroundings (family not approving, health issues and so on) he explains how we could find happiness trough following what our hearts tells us - along the way he explains the difference from being professional and amateur, the importance of nurturing the hobbies and how to enjoy our little "oddities" simply because it is something that makes us happy. If everybody around you find its "silly", "childish" or "immature" Robinson points that obviously one has to simply ignore surroundings and enjoy what makes us happy because its our natural response to spirit. Only rare people are lucky enough to combine hobby and profession, however the rest of us might nurture wonderful ideas and pictures in our secret lives and this books explains why it is so important never to give up the inner child.

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