Incredibly but the whole month of August slipped by without me writing something here - perhaps because I was writing so much during previous month or perhaps because I was so "busy being free" - in any case,I did exactly as I was planning,visited Amsterdam and London,saw a lot of museums,galleries,movies,listened a lot of music and walked until my legs hurt.I also noticed that time definitely changes one's point of view since I couldn't care less for night life but was really enjoying quiet pleasures of reading,relaxing,hanging out with friends and occasional tipsy evening. It was also the rainiest,coldest,most miserable August of my life weather-wise and I still can't get over the fact that pouring rain followed me everywhere I went,while in my own homeland sun shined and people enjoyed real summer. Every single day I walked around in a jacket, freezing and sniffing like it's Autumn and not August!
I saw a lot and will eventually post my impressions here with time about movies,music and museums I enjoyed.